This endpoint supports the following types of searches:

  • boundaries overlapping a point, polygon, multipolygon, feature, a bbox or a boundary/list of boundaries:
    • The point can be expressed as lon/lat, point, geohash, with buffer parameter defining the maximum allowed distance. Spatial search area limit is 25 km2 (also in case of bbox and geometry in input).
    • The boundary/list of boundaries must be specified in the format
    • The response can be restricted to just field boundaries by setting
  • boundaries delineating fields:
    • The list of fields must be specified in the format
      field_relationships.type is defaulted to 'delineates'.
      Optionally, the search can be restricted to field boundaries active during a specific period of time by specifying
      Parameters define a time range:
      - [from, to]: if an interval is specified, output collection will contain boundaries active in that time range
      - [from, ]: the time interval is open ended and will include current date-time
      - [, to]: only boundaries active until specified value are returned
      - [, ]: if no parameters are provided, the only boundary returned in the collection is the current active boundary of the field.

Boundaries are returned as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Metadata is always included in response for each boundary, while geometry is provided only if policy allows (i.e., if the geometry is 'shared' or accessible to the tenant performing the search).

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!