This endpoint is used to modify a given field.

The input is a JSON object containing the following keys:

  • boundary (optional, default=null): it defines the boundary of the field. It is a GeoJSON Feature, same as the input payload for POST /boundaries endpoint.

    • Note: permissions will be applied to the boundary reference while the field boundary will always be visible by any tenant.
  • effective_from: The date from which the boundary of the field is active (optional, default=now()).

    • Formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
    • Value: inclusive
  • autoedit: It dictates if the input geometry can be modified or not, if necessary, to make it fit into Varda default layer (optional, default=false)

The output is a JSON object containing the following data:

  • active_boundary_id (UUID or null): The ID of the "active boundary according to Varda" created out of the "boundary according to the source".
  • effective_from, effective_to: Current lifetime range of the field.

Note: GeoJSON numeric precision will be limited to 15 decimal places.

Note: Please reach out to our support team if you want to get access to this endpoint.

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